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Found 40 results
Paul, Steven M
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Journal Article
Paul SM
Doherty JJ
Robichaud AJ
Belfort GM
Chow BY
Hammond RS
Crawford DC
Linsenbardt AJ
Shu H-J
Izumi Y
et al.
. 2013.
The major brain cholesterol metabolite 24(S)-hydroxycholesterol is a potent allosteric modulator of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors.
J Neurosci. 33(44):17290-300.
Saura J
Petegnief V
Wu X
Liang Y
Paul SM
. 2003.
Microglial apolipoprotein E and astroglial apolipoprotein J expression in vitro: opposite effects of lipopolysaccharide.
J Neurochem. 85(6):1455-67.
Luo W
Liu W
Hu X
Hanna M
Caravaca A
Paul SM
. 2015.
Microglial internalization and degradation of pathological tau is enhanced by an anti-tau monoclonal antibody.
Sci Rep. 5:11161.
Andersen OM
Reiche J
Schmidt V
Gotthardt M
Spoelgen R
Behlke J
von Arnim CAF
Breiderhoff T
Jansen P
Wu X
et al.
. 2005.
Neuronal sorting protein-related receptor sorLA/LR11 regulates processing of the amyloid precursor protein.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102(38):13461-6.
Zorumski CF
Paul SM
Izumi Y
Covey DF
Mennerick S
. 2013.
Neurosteroids, stress and depression: potential therapeutic opportunities.
Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 37(1):109-22.
Zhou Y
Su Y
Li B
Liu F
Ryder JW
Wu X
Gonzalez-DeWhitt PA
Gelfanova V
Hale JE
May PC
et al.
. 2003.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can lower amyloidogenic Abeta42 by inhibiting Rho.
Science. 302(5648):1215-7.
Kim J
Castellano JM
Jiang H
Basak JM
Parsadanian M
Pham V
Mason SM
Paul SM
Holtzman DM
. 2009.
Overexpression of low-density lipoprotein receptor in the brain markedly inhibits amyloid deposition and increases extracellular A beta clearance.
Neuron. 64(5):632-44.
Strauss KA
Markx S
Georgi B
Paul SM
Jinks RN
Hoshi T
McDonald A
First MB
Liu W
Benkert AR
et al.
. 2014.
A population-based study of KCNH7 p.Arg394His and bipolar spectrum disorder.
Hum Mol Genet. 23(23):6395-406.
Rohan ML
Yamamoto RT
Ravichandran CT
Cayetano KR
Morales OG
Olson DP
Vitaliano G
Paul SM
Cohen BM
. 2014.
Rapid mood-elevating effects of low field magnetic stimulation in depression.
Biol Psychiatry. 76(3):186-93.
Siemers ER
Friedrich S
Dean RA
Gonzales CR
Farlow MR
Paul SM
DeMattos RB
. 2010.
Safety and changes in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid amyloid beta after a single administration of an amyloid beta monoclonal antibody in subjects with Alzheimer disease.
Clin Neuropharmacol. 33(2):67-73.
Cirrito JR
Yamada KA
Finn MBeth
Sloviter RS
Bales KR
May PC
Schoepp DD
Paul SM
Mennerick S
Holtzman DM
. 2005.
Synaptic activity regulates interstitial fluid amyloid-beta levels in vivo.
Neuron. 48(6):913-22.
Paul SM
. 2011.
Therapeutic antibodies for brain disorders.
Sci Transl Med. 3(84):84ps20.
Kim KHye
Liu J
Galvin RJSells
Dage JL
Egeland JA
Smith RC
Merchant KM
Paul SM
. 2015.
Transcriptomic Analysis of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Derived from Patients with Bipolar Disorder from an Old Order Amish Pedigree.
PLoS One. 10(11):e0142693.
Yuan P
Condello C
C Keene D
Wang Y
Bird TD
Paul SM
Luo W
Colonna M
Baddeley D
Grutzendler J
. 2016.
TREM2 Haplodeficiency in Mice and Humans Impairs the Microglia Barrier Function Leading to Decreased Amyloid Compaction and Severe Axonal Dystrophy.
Neuron. 90(4):724-39.
Yuan P
Condello C
C Keene D
Wang Y
Bird TD
Paul SM
Luo W
Colonna M
Baddeley D
Grutzendler J
. 2016.
TREM2 Haplodeficiency in Mice and Humans Impairs the Microglia Barrier Function Leading to Decreased Amyloid Compaction and Severe Axonal Dystrophy.
Neuron. 92(1):252-264.
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