
Found 376 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Strauss KA, Markx S, Georgi B, Paul SM, Jinks RN, Hoshi T, McDonald A, First MB, Liu W, Benkert AR et al..  2014.  A population-based study of KCNH7 p.Arg394His and bipolar spectrum disorder.. Hum Mol Genet. 23(23):6395-406.
Hey-Mogensen M, Goncalves RLS, Orr AL, Brand MD.  2014.  Production of superoxide/H2O2 by dihydroorotate dehydrogenase in rat skeletal muscle mitochondria.. Free Radic Biol Med. 72:149-55.
S Minami S, Min S-W, Krabbe G, Wang C, Zhou Y, Asgarov R, Li Y, Martens LH, Elia LP, Ward ME et al..  2014.  Progranulin protects against amyloid β deposition and toxicity in Alzheimer's disease mouse models.. Nat Med. 20(10):1157-64.
Rohan ML, Yamamoto RT, Ravichandran CT, Cayetano KR, Morales OG, Olson DP, Vitaliano G, Paul SM, Cohen BM.  2014.  Rapid mood-elevating effects of low field magnetic stimulation in depression.. Biol Psychiatry. 76(3):186-93.
Parmar MS, Jaumotte JD, Wyrostek SL, Zigmond MJ, Cavanaugh JE.  2014.  The role of ERK1, 2, and 5 in dopamine neuron survival during aging.. Neurobiol Aging. 35(3):669-79.
Xiao L, Zhang C, Li X, Gong S, Hu R, Balasubramanian R, W WFCrowley, Hastings MH, Zhou Q-Y.  2014.  Signaling role of prokineticin 2 on the estrous cycle of female mice.. PLoS One. 9(3):e90860.
Kreinbring CA, Remillard SP, Hubbard P, Brodkin HR, Leeper FJ, Hawksley D, Lai EY, Fulton C, Petsko GA, Ringe D.  2014.  Structure of a eukaryotic thiaminase I.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(1):137-42.
Lee SHun, Sharma M, Südhof TC, Shen J.  2014.  Synaptic function of nicastrin in hippocampal neurons.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(24):8973-8.
Hu X, Li X, Zhao M, Gottesdiener A, Luo W, Paul S.  2014.  Tau pathogenesis is promoted by Aβ1-42 but not Aβ1-40.. Mol Neurodegener. 9:52.
Burré J, Sharma M, Südhof TC.  2014.  α-Synuclein assembles into higher-order multimers upon membrane binding to promote SNARE complex formation.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(40):E4274-83.
Orr AG, Hsiao EC, Wang MM, Ho K, Kim DH, Wang X, Guo W, Kang J, Yu G-Q, Adame A et al..  2015.  Astrocytic adenosine receptor A2A and Gs-coupled signaling regulate memory.. Nat Neurosci. 18(3):423-34.
Kember RL, Georgi B, Bailey-Wilson JE, Stambolian D, Paul SM, Bućan M.  2015.  Copy number variants encompassing Mendelian disease genes in a large multigenerational family segregating bipolar disorder.. BMC Genet. 16:27.
Min S-W, Chen X, Tracy TE, Li Y, Zhou Y, Wang C, Shirakawa K, S Minami S, Defensor E, Mok SAnn et al..  2015.  Critical role of acetylation in tau-mediated neurodegeneration and cognitive deficits.. Nat Med. 21(10):1154-62.
Burré J, Sharma M, Südhof TC.  2015.  Definition of a molecular pathway mediating α-synuclein neurotoxicity.. J Neurosci. 35(13):5221-32.
Luo W, Liu W, Hu X, Hanna M, Caravaca A, Paul SM.  2015.  Microglial internalization and degradation of pathological tau is enhanced by an anti-tau monoclonal antibody.. Sci Rep. 5:11161.
S Minami S, Shen V, Le D, Krabbe G, Asgarov R, Perez-Celajes L, Lee C-H, Li J, Donnelly-Roberts D, Gan L.  2015.  Reducing inflammation and rescuing FTD-related behavioral deficits in progranulin-deficient mice with α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists.. Biochem Pharmacol. 97(4):454-462.
Cho S-H, Chen JA, Sayed F, Ward ME, Gao F, Nguyen TA, Krabbe G, Sohn PDongmin, Lo I, Minami S et al..  2015.  SIRT1 deficiency in microglia contributes to cognitive decline in aging and neurodegeneration via epigenetic regulation of IL-1β.. J Neurosci. 35(2):807-18.
Orr AL, Vargas L, Turk CN, Baaten JE, Matzen JT, Dardov VJ, Attle SJ, Li J, Quackenbush DC, Goncalves RLS et al..  2015.  Suppressors of superoxide production from mitochondrial complex III.. Nat Chem Biol. 11(11):834-6.
Burré J.  2015.  The Synaptic Function of α-Synuclein.. J Parkinsons Dis. 5(4):699-713.
Bacaj T, Wu D, Burré J, Malenka RC, Liu X, Südhof TC.  2015.  Synaptotagmin-1 and -7 Are Redundantly Essential for Maintaining the Capacity of the Readily-Releasable Pool of Synaptic Vesicles.. PLoS Biol. 13(10):e1002267.
Kim KHye, Liu J, Galvin RJSells, Dage JL, Egeland JA, Smith RC, Merchant KM, Paul SM.  2015.  Transcriptomic Analysis of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Derived from Patients with Bipolar Disorder from an Old Order Amish Pedigree.. PLoS One. 10(11):e0142693.