
Found 376 results
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Gong S, Kus L, Heintz N.  2010.  Rapid bacterial artificial chromosome modification for large-scale mouse transgenesis.. Nat Protoc. 5(10):1678-96.
Rohan ML, Yamamoto RT, Ravichandran CT, Cayetano KR, Morales OG, Olson DP, Vitaliano G, Paul SM, Cohen BM.  2014.  Rapid mood-elevating effects of low field magnetic stimulation in depression.. Biol Psychiatry. 76(3):186-93.
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Kaczmarek LK, Bhattacharjee A, Desai R, Gan L, Song P, von Hehn CAA, Whim MD, Yang B.  2005.  Regulation of the timing of MNTB neurons by short-term and long-term modulation of potassium channels.. Hear Res. 206(1-2):133-45.
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Shim J-H, Greenblatt MB, Zou W, Huang Z, Wein MN, Brady N, Hu D, Charron J, Brodkin HR, Petsko GA et al..  2013.  Schnurri-3 regulates ERK downstream of WNT signaling in osteoblasts.. J Clin Invest. 123(9):4010-22.
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Lopez-Lee C, Kodama L, Fan L, Wong MYing, Foxe NR, Jiaz L, Yu F, Ye P, Zhu J, Norman K et al..  2023.  Sex Chromosomes and Gonads Shape the Sex-Biased Transcriptomic Landscape in Tlr7-Mediated Demyelination During Aging.. bioRxiv.
Lopez-Lee C, Kodama L, Gan L.  2021.  Sex Differences in Neurodegeneration: The Role of the Immune System in Humans.. Biol Psychiatry.