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Sohn PDongmin, Tracy TE, Son H-I, Zhou Y, Leite REP, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT, Gan L.  2016.  Acetylated tau destabilizes the cytoskeleton in the axon initial segment and is mislocalized to the somatodendritic compartment.. Mol Neurodegener. 11(1):47.
Tracy TE, Gan L.  2017.  Acetylated tau in Alzheimer's disease: An instigator of synaptic dysfunction underlying memory loss: Increased levels of acetylated tau blocks the postsynaptic signaling required for plasticity and promotes memory deficits associated with tauopathy.. Bioessays. 39(4)
Caballero B, Bourdenx M, Luengo E, Diaz A, Sohn PDongmin, Chen X, Wang C, Juste YR, Wegmann S, Patel B et al..  2021.  Acetylated tau inhibits chaperone-mediated autophagy and promotes tau pathology propagation in mice.. Nat Commun. 12(1):2238.
Tracy TE, Sohn PDongmin, S Minami S, Wang C, Min S-W, Li Y, Zhou Y, Le D, Lo I, Ponnusamy R et al..  2016.  Acetylated Tau Obstructs KIBRA-Mediated Signaling in Synaptic Plasticity and Promotes Tauopathy-Related Memory Loss.. Neuron. 90(2):245-60.
Min S-W, Cho S-H, Zhou Y, Schroeder S, Haroutunian V, Seeley WW, Huang EJ, Shen Y, Masliah E, Mukherjee C et al..  2010.  Acetylation of tau inhibits its degradation and contributes to tauopathy.. Neuron. 67(6):953-66.
Luo W, Qu W, Gan L.  2023.  The AD odyssey 2023: Tales of single cell.. Cell. 186(20):4257-4259.
Sayed FA, Kodama L, Fan L, Carling GK, Udeochu JC, Le D, Li Q, Zhou L, Wong MYing, Horowitz R et al..  2021.  AD-linked R47H-TREM2 mutation induces disease-enhancing microglial states via AKT hyperactivation.. Sci Transl Med. 13(622):eabe3947.
Das M, Mao W, Voskobiynyk Y, Necula D, Lew I, Petersen C, Zahn A, Yu G-Q, Yu X, Smith N et al..  2023.  Alzheimer risk-increasing TREM2 variant causes aberrant cortical synapse density and promotes network hyperexcitability in mouse models.. Neurobiol Dis. 186:106263.
Bravo CParra, Krukowski K, Barker S, Wang C, Li Y, Fan L, Vázquez-Rosa E, Shin M-K, Wong MYing, McCullough LD et al..  2024.  Anti-acetylated-tau immunotherapy is neuroprotective in tauopathy and brain injury.. Mol Neurodegener. 19(1):51.
Mueller-Steiner S, Zhou Y, Arai H, Roberson ED, Sun B, Chen J, Wang X, Yu G, Esposito L, Mucke L et al..  2006.  Antiamyloidogenic and neuroprotective functions of cathepsin B: implications for Alzheimer's disease.. Neuron. 51(6):703-14.
Grinberg LTenenholz, Wang X, Wang C, Sohn PDongmin, Theofilas P, Sidhu M, Arevalo JBenjamin, Heinsen H, Huang EJ, Rosen H et al..  2013.  Argyrophilic grain disease differs from other tauopathies by lacking tau acetylation.. Acta Neuropathol. 125(4):581-93.
Limbad C, Oron TRonnen, Alimirah F, Davalos AR, Tracy TE, Gan L, Desprez P-Y, Campisi J.  2020.  Astrocyte senescence promotes glutamate toxicity in cortical neurons.. PLoS One. 15(1):e0227887.
Amin S, Liu B, Gan L.  2023.  Autophagy prevents microglial senescence.. Nat Cell Biol. 25(7):923-925.
Wang C, Sun B, Zhou Y, Grubb A, Gan L.  2012.  Cathepsin B degrades amyloid-β in mice expressing wild-type human amyloid precursor protein.. J Biol Chem. 287(47):39834-41.
Karch CM, Kao AW, Karydas A, Onanuga K, Martinez R, Argouarch A, Wang C, Huang C, Sohn PDongmin, Bowles KR et al..  2019.  A Comprehensive Resource for Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Patients with Primary Tauopathies.. Stem Cell Reports.
Gan L, Cookson MR, Petrucelli L, La Spada AR.  2018.  Converging pathways in neurodegeneration, from genetics to mechanisms.. Nat Neurosci. 21(10):1300-1309.
Samelson AJ, Ariqat N, McKetney J, Rohanitazangi G, Bravo CParra, Goodness D, Tian R, Grosjean P, Abskharon R, Eisenberg D et al..  2023.  CRISPR screens in iPSC-derived neurons reveal principles of tau proteostasis.. bioRxiv.
Dräger NM, Sattler SM, Huang CTzu-Ling, Teter OM, Leng K, Hashemi SHadi, Hong J, Aviles G, Clelland CD, Zhan L et al..  2022.  A CRISPRi/a platform in human iPSC-derived microglia uncovers regulators of disease states.. Nat Neurosci.
Möller T, Bard F, Bhattacharya A, Biber K, Campbell B, Dale E, Eder C, Gan L, Garden GA, Hughes ZA et al..  2016.  Critical data-based re-evaluation of minocycline as a putative specific microglia inhibitor.. Glia. 64(10):1788-94.
Min S-W, Chen X, Tracy TE, Li Y, Zhou Y, Wang C, Shirakawa K, S Minami S, Defensor E, Mok SAnn et al..  2015.  Critical role of acetylation in tau-mediated neurodegeneration and cognitive deficits.. Nat Med. 21(10):1154-62.
Cho S-H, Sun B, Zhou Y, Kauppinen TM, Halabisky B, Wes P, Ransohoff RM, Gan L.  2011.  CX3CR1 protein signaling modulates microglial activation and protects against plaque-independent cognitive deficits in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease.. J Biol Chem. 286(37):32713-22.
Sun B, Zhou Y, Halabisky B, Lo I, Cho S-H, Mueller-Steiner S, Devidze N, Wang X, Grubb A, Gan L.  2008.  Cystatin C-cathepsin B axis regulates amyloid beta levels and associated neuronal deficits in an animal model of Alzheimer's disease.. Neuron. 60(2):247-57.