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S Minami S, Sun B, Popat K, Kauppinen T, Pleiss M, Zhou Y, Ward ME, Floreancig P, Mucke L, Desai T et al..  2012.  Selective targeting of microglia by quantum dots.. J Neuroinflammation. 9:22.
Lopez-Lee C, Kodama L, Fan L, Wong MYing, Foxe NR, Jiaz L, Yu F, Ye P, Zhu J, Norman K et al..  2023.  Sex Chromosomes and Gonads Shape the Sex-Biased Transcriptomic Landscape in Tlr7-Mediated Demyelination During Aging.. bioRxiv.
Lopez-Lee C, Kodama L, Gan L.  2021.  Sex Differences in Neurodegeneration: The Role of the Immune System in Humans.. Biol Psychiatry.
Hardwick SA, Hu W, Joglekar A, Fan L, Collier PG, Foord C, Balacco J, Lanjewar S, Sampson MMcGuirk, Koopmans F et al..  2022.  Single-nuclei isoform RNA sequencing unlocks barcoded exon connectivity in frozen brain tissue.. Nat Biotechnol.
Min S-W, Sohn PDongmin, Li Y, Devidze N, Johnson JR, Krogan NJ, Masliah E, Mok S-A, Gestwicki JE, Gan L.  2018.  SIRT1 Deacetylates Tau and Reduces Pathogenic Tau Spread in a Mouse Model of Tauopathy.. J Neurosci. 38(15):3680-3688.
Cho S-H, Chen JA, Sayed F, Ward ME, Gao F, Nguyen TA, Krabbe G, Sohn PDongmin, Lo I, Minami S et al..  2015.  SIRT1 deficiency in microglia contributes to cognitive decline in aging and neurodegeneration via epigenetic regulation of IL-1β.. J Neurosci. 35(2):807-18.
Chen J, Zhou Y, Mueller-Steiner S, Chen L-F, Kwon H, Yi S, Mucke L, Gan L.  2005.  SIRT1 protects against microglia-dependent amyloid-beta toxicity through inhibiting NF-kappaB signaling.. J Biol Chem. 280(48):40364-74.
Min S-W, Sohn PD, Cho S-H, Swanson RA, Gan L.  2013.  Sirtuins in neurodegenerative diseases: an update on potential mechanisms.. Front Aging Neurosci. 5:53.
Krencik R, Seo K, van Asperen JV, Basu N, Cvetkovic C, Barlas S, Chen R, Ludwig C, Wang C, Ward ME et al..  2017.  Systematic Three-Dimensional Coculture Rapidly Recapitulates Interactions between Human Neurons and Astrocytes.. Stem Cell Reports. 9(6):1745-1753.
Wes PD, Sayed FA, Bard F, Gan L.  2016.  Targeting microglia for the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.. Glia. 64(10):1710-32.
Udeochu JC, Amin S, Huang Y, Fan L, Torres ERuth S, Carling GK, Liu B, McGurran H, Coronas-Samano G, Kauwe G et al..  2023.  Tau activation of microglial cGAS-IFN reduces MEF2C-mediated cognitive resilience.. Nat Neurosci. 26(5):737-750.
Tracy TE, Madero-Pérez J, Swaney DL, Chang TS, Moritz M, Konrad C, Ward ME, Stevenson E, Huttenhain R, Kauwe G et al..  2022.  Tau interactome maps synaptic and mitochondrial processes associated with neurodegeneration.. Cell. 185(4):712-728.e14.
Tracy TE, Gan L.  2018.  Tau-mediated synaptic and neuronal dysfunction in neurodegenerative disease.. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 51:134-138.
Gan L.  2007.  Therapeutic potential of sirtuin-activating compounds in Alzheimer's disease.. Drug News Perspect. 20(4):233-9.
Fernandopulle MS, Prestil R, Grunseich C, Wang C, Gan L, Ward ME.  2018.  Transcription Factor-Mediated Differentiation of Human iPSCs into Neurons.. Curr Protoc Cell Biol. 79(1):e51.
Evering TH, Marston JL, Gan L, Nixon DF.  2023.  Transposable elements and Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis.. Trends Neurosci. 46(3):170-172.
Udeochu J, Sayed FA, Gan L.  2018.  TREM2 and Amyloid Beta: A Love-Hate Relationship.. Neuron. 97(5):991-993.
Yan Y, Wang X, Chaput D, Shin M-K, Koh Y, Gan L, Pieper AA, Woo J-AA, Kang DE.  2022.  X-linked ubiquitin-specific peptidase 11 increases tauopathy vulnerability in women.. Cell. 185(21):3913-3930.e19.