
Found 398 results
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Brendza RP, Bacskai BJ, Cirrito JR, Simmons KA, Skoch JM, Klunk WE, Mathis CA, Bales KR, Paul SM, Hyman BT et al..  2005.  Anti-Abeta antibody treatment promotes the rapid recovery of amyloid-associated neuritic dystrophy in PDAPP transgenic mice.. J Clin Invest. 115(2):428-33.
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Carling GK, Fan L, Foxe NR, Norman K, Ye P, Wong MYing, Zhu D, Yu F, Xu J, Yarahmady A et al..  2024.  Alzheimer's disease-linked risk alleles elevate microglial cGAS-associated senescence and neurodegeneration in a tauopathy model.. bioRxiv.
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