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S Minami S, Min S-W, Krabbe G, Wang C, Zhou Y, Asgarov R, Li Y, Martens LH, Elia LP, Ward ME et al..  2014.  Progranulin protects against amyloid β deposition and toxicity in Alzheimer's disease mouse models.. Nat Med. 20(10):1157-64.
Rohan ML, Yamamoto RT, Ravichandran CT, Cayetano KR, Morales OG, Olson DP, Vitaliano G, Paul SM, Cohen BM.  2014.  Rapid mood-elevating effects of low field magnetic stimulation in depression.. Biol Psychiatry. 76(3):186-93.
Parmar MS, Jaumotte JD, Wyrostek SL, Zigmond MJ, Cavanaugh JE.  2014.  The role of ERK1, 2, and 5 in dopamine neuron survival during aging.. Neurobiol Aging. 35(3):669-79.
Xiao L, Zhang C, Li X, Gong S, Hu R, Balasubramanian R, W WFCrowley, Hastings MH, Zhou Q-Y.  2014.  Signaling role of prokineticin 2 on the estrous cycle of female mice.. PLoS One. 9(3):e90860.
Kreinbring CA, Remillard SP, Hubbard P, Brodkin HR, Leeper FJ, Hawksley D, Lai EY, Fulton C, Petsko GA, Ringe D.  2014.  Structure of a eukaryotic thiaminase I.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(1):137-42.
Lee SHun, Sharma M, Südhof TC, Shen J.  2014.  Synaptic function of nicastrin in hippocampal neurons.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(24):8973-8.
Hu X, Li X, Zhao M, Gottesdiener A, Luo W, Paul S.  2014.  Tau pathogenesis is promoted by Aβ1-42 but not Aβ1-40.. Mol Neurodegener. 9:52.
Burré J, Sharma M, Südhof TC.  2014.  α-Synuclein assembles into higher-order multimers upon membrane binding to promote SNARE complex formation.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(40):E4274-83.
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Edayathumangalam R, Wu R, Garcia R, Wang Y, Wang W, Kreinbring CA, Bach A, Liao J, Stone TA, Terwilliger TC et al..  2013.  Crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis GabR, an autorepressor and transcriptional activator of gabT.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(44):17820-5.
Wu X, Gong S, Roy-Burman P, Lee P, Culig Z.  2013.  Current mouse and cell models in prostate cancer research.. Endocr Relat Cancer. 20(4):R155-70.
Orr AL, Ashok D, Sarantos MR, Shi T, Hughes RE, Brand MD.  2013.  Inhibitors of ROS production by the ubiquinone-binding site of mitochondrial complex I identified by chemical screening.. Free Radic Biol Med. 65:1047-1059.
Steele JW, Lachenmayer ML, Ju S, Stock A, Liken J, Kim SH, Delgado LM, Alfaro IE, Bernales S, Verdile G et al..  2013.  Latrepirdine improves cognition and arrests progression of neuropathology in an Alzheimer's mouse model.. Mol Psychiatry. 18(8):889-97.
Steele JW, Ju S, Lachenmayer ML, Liken J, Stock A, Kim SH, Delgado LM, Alfaro IE, Bernales S, Verdile G et al..  2013.  Latrepirdine stimulates autophagy and reduces accumulation of α-synuclein in cells and in mouse brain.. Mol Psychiatry. 18(8):882-8.
Paul SM, Doherty JJ, Robichaud AJ, Belfort GM, Chow BY, Hammond RS, Crawford DC, Linsenbardt AJ, Shu H-J, Izumi Y et al..  2013.  The major brain cholesterol metabolite 24(S)-hydroxycholesterol is a potent allosteric modulator of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors.. J Neurosci. 33(44):17290-300.
Diao J, Burré J, Vivona S, Cipriano DJ, Sharma M, Kyoung M, Südhof TC, Brunger AT.  2013.  Native α-synuclein induces clustering of synaptic-vesicle mimics via binding to phospholipids and synaptobrevin-2/VAMP2.. Elife. 2:e00592.
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Petsko GA.  2013.  Open questions: Zombie projects, translational research, and the real secret of the inside of the cell.. BMC Biol. 11:97.
Liu CFeng, Liu D, Momb J, Thomas PW, Lajoie A, Petsko GA, Fast W, Ringe D.  2013.  A phenylalanine clamp controls substrate specificity in the quorum-quenching metallo-γ-lactonase from Bacillus thuringiensis.. Biochemistry. 52(9):1603-10.
Kauppinen TM, Gan L, Swanson RA.  2013.  Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1-induced NAD(+) depletion promotes nuclear factor-κB transcriptional activity by preventing p65 de-acetylation.. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1833(8):1985-91.
Auclair JR, Johnson JL, Liu Q, Salisbury JP, Rotunno MS, Petsko GA, Ringe D, Brown RH, Bosco DA, Agar JN.  2013.  Post-translational modification by cysteine protects Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase from oxidative damage.. Biochemistry. 52(36):6137-44.
Burré J, Vivona S, Diao J, Sharma M, Brunger AT, Südhof TC.  2013.  Properties of native brain α-synuclein.. Nature. 498(7453):E4-6;discussionE6-7.
Sigala PA, Fafarman AT, Schwans JP, Fried SD, Fenn TD, Caaveiro JMM, Pybus B, Ringe D, Petsko GA, Boxer SG et al..  2013.  Quantitative dissection of hydrogen bond-mediated proton transfer in the ketosteroid isomerase active site.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(28):E2552-61.