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Gan L, Hahn SJ, Kaczmarek LK.  1999.  Cell type-specific expression of the Kv3.1 gene is mediated by a negative element in the 5' untranslated region of the Kv3.1 promoter.. J Neurochem. 73(4):1350-62.
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Gan L, Anton KE, Masterson BA, Vincent VAM, Ye S, Gonzalez-Zulueta M.  2002.  Specific interference with gene expression and gene function mediated by long dsRNA in neural cells.. J Neurosci Methods. 121(2):151-7.
Gan L, Perney TM, Kaczmarek LK.  1996.  Cloning and characterization of the promoter for a potassium channel expressed in high frequency firing neurons.. J Biol Chem. 271(10):5859-65.
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Gao V, Crawford CV, Burré J.  2024.  The Gut-Brain Axis in Parkinson's Disease.. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med.
Gao V, Briano JA, Komer LE, Burré J.  2023.  Functional and Pathological Effects of α-Synuclein on Synaptic SNARE Complexes.. J Mol Biol. 435(1):167714.
Garcia CP, Licht-Murava A, Orr AG.  2023.  Effects of adenosine A2A receptors on cognitive function in health and disease.. Int Rev Neurobiol. 170:121-154.
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Gong S, Nussenzweig MC.  1996.  Regulation of an early developmental checkpoint in the B cell pathway by Ig beta.. Science. 272(5260):411-4.
Gong S, Doughty M, Harbaugh CR, Cummins A, Hatten ME, Heintz N, Gerfen CR.  2007.  Targeting Cre recombinase to specific neuron populations with bacterial artificial chromosome constructs.. J Neurosci. 27(37):9817-23.
Gong S, Sanchez M, Nussenzweig MC.  1996.  Counterselection against D mu is mediated through immunoglobulin (Ig)alpha-Igbeta.. J Exp Med. 184(6):2079-84.